We the People

of the United States of America, in Order to weed-out despicable Zionist swine, reestablish trust in Democracy, prevent future genocidal administrations, and secure the blessings of Peace for Ourselves and Our Posterity, WE the People are Obligated to vote-out detestable Zionist puppet politicians, and WE must take political action against zionism and the Israel lobby groups.

WE the People must abolish the practice of American politicians selling their loyalty and servitude to Israeli zionist swine. President (Genocide Joe) Biden, V.P. Kamala (Whore of Zion) Harris, and the majority of U.S. Congress, are complicit in genocidal war crimes perpatrated by Israel.

WE the People do ordain to reform America's politics! By Americans! For Americans!

Get informed about Zionism, follow your tax dollars, and make an educated VOTE!

"For evil to flourish, it only requires good people to do nothing."
-- Simon Wiesenthal

To-Do List for We the People

   VOTE-OUT the "Genocide Joe" Biden/Harris Administration
   VOTE-OUT the Zionist Puppet Politicians
   REJECT AIPAC (Asshole Israeli Political Action Corruption)
   EJECT the Israel Lobby Groups Permanently
   Denounce all Corporate Media Zionist Propaganda
   Remember the Biden/Harris Endorsements of Genocide (school text books)

We the People curse Israel, the genocidal military colony of the U.S. Empire. May the whole world impose Boycotts, Divestments, and Sanctions on Israel until it colapses and disappears forever.

Never Forgive! Never Forget!

WTF!?! Never Forgive! Never Forget!

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